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v2.12 (21/05/14):

New: Installer support for Clarion 9.1

Note: a bug in Clarion prevents to see the real procedure last changed dated for Clarion versions 7 and up. We reported it but had no answer yet. SV report #40737.

v2.11 (27/11/13):

Fix: Problem with message in multi-dll apps.

New: Installer support for Clarion 9.


v2.04 (05/05/11):

New: Installer support for Clarion 8.


v2.03 (04/01/10):

Fix: Local extension template was showing an error in Clarion 7.1 (missing #Sheet).


v2.02 (27/04/09):

New: The installer now supports the new folder structure of Clarion 7.

New: Examples updated to Clarion 7.

New: Embeds point right before and after call to WindowID's Message()


v2.01 (9/07/08):

New: "Extra" entry field to add your own customizable information to WindowID's pop-up.

Fix: When calling the same procedure from different threads the menu sequence information was scrambled.

Note: if you upgrade from a previous version, a full recompilation is needed.


v2.00 (27/12/07):

New: Now you can identify not only where you are, but how did you get there; added to the menu call sequence, now you can see the buttons pressed sequence, so you can know how exactly you got to the window.

New: Installer compatible with Clarion 7.

Note: if you upgrade from a previous version, a full recompilation is needed.


v1.10 (05/01/07):

New: Global option to show Menu Call Sequence. Now you can know which menu you picked to call the procedure.

New: Current procedure name now is generated in a local variable, so you can use it in your program.

Change: Installer now using SetupBuilder 6.0.

Note: if you upgrade from a previous version, a full recompilation is needed.


v1.05 (17/12/06):

Fix: No button were generated in a browse when standard toolbar buttons were deleted.

New: Install generation of .ini file compatible with Clarion Desktop (http://www.clariondesktop.com/)

Fix: Installation program, now you can set the install path (missed feature).



v1.04 (27/11/06):

Fix: The .exp file was not properly generated when using DET and forcing the export feature.


v1.03 (14/8/06):

New: If you use the default top-left position for the WindowID button, you may trigger a Clarion bug (PTS 11315, which as of 14/8/06 is confirmed behaviour) preventing the resize of the Sheet and all its child controls. We added a new global switch, "Shrink button if overlap (resize bug aid)" that will prevent this bug to happen (See Layout).

New: You can now select the location of the WindowID button (combining top/bottom and left/right options). For example, if you select top-right, the button will be placed in the top-right corner of the window, instead of the default top-left.

New: Global option to show current path information (optional in addition to current options).

New: Global option to show procedure's parameter (optional in addition to current options).

Fix: If the procedure description has quotes or special characters, the compiler issued an error, now it is supported.

Fix: Procedure description no longer generate local code description if is not globally enabled.

Fix: Global options to choose displayed information are no longer related to "Always active" prompt status.

Improvement: From this version on, your installer settings will be memorized in the registry (i.e. no longer look for your original e-mail to get the serial and code again!).

Note: if you upgrade from a previous version, a full recompilation is needed.


v1.02 (24/6/06):

New: Ability to transfer the information into the PrintWindow template.

Fix: Correct alignment for the first line of the balloon tip.


v1.01 (21/6/06):

New: Global options to select the tooltip content (optional date/time, procedure description, app name in different line)

New: Global hot key activation.

New: Option to make the button visible.

New: entry in the TRN files for the message box title.

New: Global option for setting the message box icon (Defaults to icon:asterisk).

Improvement: Shorten path for the .ini file.


v1.00 (20/6/06): Initial release.